HERBISM #30 – Leaders Bring Out Greatness

There is an ancient parable about employees who were given varying amounts of money to invest—one was given a single piece of silver, another 5 silver pieces, and the third 10 silver pieces. Each was given an amount commensurate with their ability. The ones that were given 5 and 10 silver pieces invested those amounts and doubled their investment. Their employer praised them for their greatness (being “good and faithful”). The employee who got the single piece of silver did nothing with it and was rebuked [for squandering their potential]. 

Greatness is defined as the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. 

Greatness applies to individuals and organizations alike and is a relative term that I believe describes the degree to which we fulfill our potential, regardless of what that potential is. Leaders recognize potential and focus their efforts on bringing out the very best in people and organizations in line with their potential. I see there as being five qualitative levels of potential fulfillment:

  • Poor: does nothing to develop themselves and lives a defeatist life
  • Mediocre: does little to develop themselves and is ok with that
  • Good: develops themselves well, but stops short of their potential
  • Great: develops themselves to achieve their potential (best they can be)
  • Exceptional: develops themselves, achieves theirpotential, and stands out amongst all others (best in a group at the time)

Leaders bring out greatness. Circumstance determines exceptionality.

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Herb Mast is Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.


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