> Intentionality Store

This is where you can order Intentionality Pennies and Intentionality for Leaders books. Scroll down to see available options for purchase.

Intentionality for Leaders books offered below are 6″x9″ (274 pages) in both softcover and traditional hardcover book with a dust jacket. Books purchased from this site and shipped to a U.S. address are signed by the author, Herb Mast. Unfortunately, due to high international postage rates free shipping from this site is only available with the U.S. For International orders it’s recommended to purchase from Amazon, in which case the book will not have a dust jacket nor be signed. Apologies!

If you would also like a Kindle version (e-book) or softcover they can be obtained through Amazon.

Keep an Intentionality Penny in your pocket, on your key chain, or on your desk to remind you to do the little things that are as easy to do as not to do.

Intentionality Pennies are USA penny replicas and have a hole in the middle to provide a simple representation of the human brain and to remind you of the power of the emotional brain in influencing human behavior.

Not only does the Intentionality Penny remind individuals to DO the little things, but it reminds leaders that emotions influence behaviors three times greater than rational elements like money. Hence, it’s the leader’s job to look for ways to fill the emotional void most people feel when work just seems to be about a pay check.

All orders include the number of pennies stated, shipping costs, and any applicable sales taxes.

If you would like to order Intentionality Pennies or Intentionality for Leaders books in larger quantities please email your request to admin@healthydealer.com.

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