HERBISM #29 – Leaders Ensure Focus

I had the opportunity to sit in on a collaboration between a group of staff as they discussed the best way to solve an issue. Each person around the table was highly intelligent and talented in their own right and the group should have been able to solve the issue within a short period of time.

Everybody was passionate as they presented their perspective.

The conversation became increasingly contentious as each person advocated for what impacted them or what they thought was most important. Since the perspectives were not filtered and focused to consider the ultimate goal, the session was not very effective. Instead, the group dispersed with heightened emotions and hard feelings.

What was missing from the session was a singular leader who could focus individual energy toward the common goal.

Best Practice: Don’t try to solve an issue without having the leader/decision maker present. Rather postpone the meeting until they or a designated and  empowered delegate is available to provide necessary leadership [focus].

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Herb Mast is Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.



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