HERBISM #134 – Great Leaders Are Transparent

Does being transparent mean that you need to reveal all things to all people?

Absolutely not!

Not everybody can handle all information and not everybody deserves all information—this is a valid argument but secondary consideration. The primary consideration is a matter of the heart. Your heart. Are you willing to share? Are you willing to let others see into your heart…your true beliefs and motives? Even when it requires you to sacrifice your ego?

The key to transparency is context and whether the information you share will be helpful. If it won’t be helpful, don’t share it. But if it would be helpful are you willing to share, even if it exposes weaknesses and struggles? The ego does not like being exposed. Hence, for self-preservation many people make the mistake of protecting their ego instead of looking after others.

Transparency and vulnerability are fundamental to building trust. That is why leadership requires courage—to be transparent even when it costs you something—so that you can build trust and leadership capital with others.

The next time you feel tempted to withhold information from others, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Can the other person handle the information? (If not, be cautious in sharing)
  2. Would the information be helpful to the other person? (If yes, then share)
  3. Why would I not share the information transparently? (If the answer is that it requires personal sacrifice to your ego then lean heavy on your courage and share)

Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.

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