HERBISM #78 – Great Leaders Use The Power of Choice

It is intellectually dishonest to say, “I had no choice!” The truth is, we always have a choice.

Great Leaders understand that not only do they have the power to choose, but every choice comes with consequences. 

We have the power to choose what to offer and the power to choose what we are willing to accept. Unfortunately, most people do not want to take responsibility for their choices [when the consequences are negative]. They do not want to humble themselves and admit that they made a poor choice.

The challenge is that until we are able to own our choices and the corresponding consequences we are not ready, or able, to move in a better direction. 

Great Leaders also understand that they are unable to make anybody do anything that that they do not want to do and that people do more of what they ‘want’ to do than what they ‘have’ to do. Hence, it is better to provide people with options and let them choose which direction they prefer to go. 

When people are given options, and the power to choose, they take greater responsibility and ownership over their behaviors and the corresponding consequences.

That is why shared beliefs and philosophies between members of a team are important—so that people’s choices and behaviors are more naturally aligned—to produce better results with any given effort.

Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.

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