HERBISM #52 – Great Leaders Model Vulnerability

A fallacy in leadership is that vulnerability is weakness. Rather, vulnerability is the birthplace of the virtues we all strive to attain. That is the paradox.

It is true that trust is the foundation of every great team. Not just any kind of trust, but vulnerability-based trust, which will not emerge unless vulnerability exists amongst the team. And for vulnerability to exist it must be modeled by the leader first.

Henry Cloud, in his book Boundaries for Leaders, presents the case for how leaders get two things: what they create and what they allow. Hence, leaders must choose what kind of environment or culture they want to foster in their organizations…an environment of positivity or one of negativity, politics, silos, and turf wars. By default human nature will always tend towards an environment rife with fear, greed, selfishness, shame, and hate. But with intentionality a great leader is able to create a positive and healthy environment.

Research has shown that vulnerability is the doorway to a positive and healthy environment.

Few team members will show vulnerability, however, and at least not for long, unless they see vulnerability modeled by their leader. Hence, leaders must take the first step…and when they do amazing things happen as the rest of the team follows and opens up.

But allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is not easy, even for leaders. Nonetheless, recognizing the importance of vulnerability, great leaders courageously take the first step and learn to model it for their teams.

And, with vulnerability people are less apt to take conflict personally. Rather they embrace it as a necessary part of healthy conversations.

As Andy Stanley is known to say, “In an environment of trust conflict is nothing more than the pursuit of truth to achieve the best possible solutions.”

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Herb Mast is Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.


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