HERBISM #36 – Great Leaders Explain WHY

WHY is the key to effectiveness and productivity. It is also the catalyst for team synergy.

Understanding WHY is central to motivation, inspiration, buy-in, and alignment. In fact, scientific research shows that our need to know WHY is rooted in the same part of our brain that accounts for 75% of our decisions and behaviors.

Great leaders invest time explaining WHY so as to harness the passion of followers. Poor bosses only tell WHAT and then spend time prodding and policing.

The expression [Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime] could be restated as [Tell a man WHAT to do and he’ll do a task. Tell a man the WHY behind the task and he’ll help you fulfill a vision].

People do more of what they want to do than what they have to do. Hence, great leaders invest time explaining WHY so that people can align around a common purpose and willingly give their best to further the cause.

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Herb Mast is Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.


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