HERBISM #87 – Great Leaders Seek Buy In

What is buy in? And why is it critical to true teamwork and engagement?

Buy in involves more than just saying yes or raising a hand. Yes is simply a word in a world where words are cheap. In fact, words are similar to intentions, which don’t amount to anything without actions.

Buy in requires a positive attitude and psychological commitment or ownership so that words are transformed into actions and momentum towards the collective result.

Unfortunately many people say yes [to a job], because they need money or feel obligated to participate, but are not truly bought in to the vision and mission of the endeavor. A job can be done with one’s “hands and feet”, but buy in involves surrendering one’s heart and mind. 

The study of the brain reveals that this thing we often describe as “engagement” is connected with the limbic system of the brain, which is also our emotional center. We cannot force people to emotionally connect. People must volunteer their emotions and their emotional connections. In other words, they must feel something before they truly buy in and engage—passion, desire, commitment, responsibility, etc.

Everybody has heard the expression of an emotionally disconnected person who says, “I may be standing up on the outside, but I am sitting down on the inside.” In other words, when people are emotionally disconnected they may go through the motions [with their hands and feet], but this results in 40-70% effort. 

That is also why you can never coerce or manipulate somebody into buying in. Buy in involves a choice and a degree of submission [to surrender one’s heart and mind].

I believe that is what is behind the old saying, “If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you it’s yours. If not, it was never yours to start with.” 

That is why great leaders seek buy in—so they get the entire person and not just their obligatory parts. And that is how great leaders build great teams that achieve great results!

Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.

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