The best way to understand the power of the other is to think of how computers work by combining hardware, software, and developers (the people who write the software).
Our brain is the hardware and our mind the software. At birth our hardware is essentially in place, but our software needs development to reach its potential. Over time, and through the relationships we allow and embrace, our mind is developed—good connections expand our mind, while bad relationships and artificial connections (like computer viruses) stunts its development.

In his book The Power of the OtherHenry Cloud does a masterful job of explaining how the brain works and why good and positive relationships are critical to the development of the mind so that people can achieve more of their potential.
Cloud explains that most of us experience disconnection at different times in our lives. Since our brains crave connection we pursue connection wherever it can be found, even if it is not ultimately good for us. We even choose artificial connections, like what drugs, alcohol, and any other self-medicating behavior provides.
The challenge with good connections is that they can only be found on the other side of the door of vulnerability, a door most egos are reluctant to open.Great leaders ensure that the culture of their organization is healthy and positive so that their people are able to reach and operate at their full potential, which in turn allows the organization to operate at a higher level.

Herb Mast a is Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.