The first sign of a great leader is a recognition of gaps in their own capability and capacity that only others can fill.
The second sign of a great leader is that they are willing to let go of control and pass the baton of challenge on to other members of the team.
The study of the brain shows that people come alive when given control and a challenge to solve.
The greatest challenge for a talented leader is not to give answers [feeding others for a day], but to develop others by challenging them to find answers [feeding them for a lifetime].
In this way a great leader expands their own potential through others. They believe people are smart and can figure things out.
According to Liz Wiseman in her book Multipliers:
Know it alls – give directives that showcase how much they know. As a result they limit what their organization can achieve to what they themselves know how to do. The organization uses its energy to do what the boss thinks.
Challengers – define opportunities that challenge people to go beyond what they know how to do. As a result they get an organization that understands the challenge and has the focus and energy to take it on.
The 3 practices of the Challenger:
- Seed the opportunity
- Show the need
- Challenge the assumptions
- Reframe problems
- Create a starting point
- Lay down a challenge
- Extend a concrete challenge
- Ask the hard questions
- Let others fill in the blanks
- Generate belief in what is possible
- Helicopter down
- Lay out a path
- Co create a plan
- Orchestrate an early win
Becoming a Challenger:
- Ask leading questions
- Take a bus trip
- Take a massive baby step

Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Employee Engagement Specialist. Learn how he can assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented here.