I was not always a reader. In fact, I used to hate to read.
All of that changed as I ventured out in my own business endeavors shortly after graduating from college. I came across a quote that said “Leaders are readers.” I thought of myself as a leader and felt convicted that I was not reading more (more accurately stated, not at all).
Some interesting statistics (click here to see the Metalfloss article):
- One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
- 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college.
- 80 percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
- 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years
Few leaders have time to read a book cover to cover in one sitting, but all of us have gaps in our schedule (for me it is at the airport waiting for my next flight or sitting on the plane waiting to take off). The Intentionality model suggests that a habit of reading just 5 pages a day will allow you to read many books, and expand your perspective, without seemingly losing any time. A number of my clients even do that with their leadership teams and are able to absorb the content of a number of books each year—with results that speak for themselves.
To this end, as I was recently building out my website further, and adding a resource section of “inspiring Resources” I was surprised to learn that I had read over 100 books in the past 5-10 years.
If you would like to know what books are great for leadership, team building, and improving organizational health feel free to visit my Inspiring Resources page.
Stay hungry and thirsty [for knowledge and perspective] my friends…
Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Business Consultant. He would love to assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented above. He is confident that in the process you will enjoy a 10X ROI.
Click here to schedule a free no-obligation introductory consultation.