Trust is at the core of anything we want to do in life that involves other people. Without trust it is virtually impossible to build relationships. And relationships are important because people do business with other people. Further, when it comes to leadership people listen to and follow those they know and trust.
So, whether it comes to doing business or leading people, building trust is essential. Unfortunately, most people focus their efforts on what science has taught us are the rational forms of trust—competence and reliability—which play a relatively small role in actually building trust. Fortunately, science has also revealed that trust is predominantly a feeling and that the key to building trust is through authenticity and care.
Authenticity and care seem like simple enough concepts. Why then do most people struggle in being authentic and demonstrating care? I believe it is because to be truly authentic requires a person to be vulnerable and to demonstrate care involves putting others before ourselves. In other words, to truly build trust requires that we are more selfless and less selfish—concepts that run counter to human nature and hence require intentionality every day.
Challenge: As you go about your work think about how you are putting the interests of others ahead of your own. Each week write in your journal/planner one example of how you intentionally put somebody else ahead of you.
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Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Business Consultant. He would love to assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented above. He is confident that in the process you will enjoy a 10X ROI.
We are learning more and more about the power of positivity and how it impacts on people and teams. Research shows that high performance teams have a a positivity-to-criticism ratio of 5:1. In other words, high performance teams are five times more positive than their low performance counterparts. Click here for Harvard Business Review article.
This suggests that a smaller group of positive people can produce the same results as a larger group of negative people. Since payroll is the biggest cost in all of our stores, imagine how much you could save simply by increasing positivity and not allowing negativity.
Simply being more mindful to practice the following will go a long way to increasing positivity:
Take the 30 day challenge:
For the next 30 days put five pennies in your left pocket each morning as you get ready in the morning. Each time you praise, encourage, recognize, or appreciate someone or do something humorous move one penny to your right pocket. If you are negative move all the pennies back to your left pocket. The goal is to end the day with all five pennies in your right pocket. Note, this is not as easy as it may seem. Give it a try and let me know what it did for you and your people.
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Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Business Consultant. He would love to assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented above. He is confident that in the process you will enjoy a 10X ROI.
It is true that money is a [rational] motivator, but in reality there are elements that are even more motivating than money.
Leaders inspire greater action by motivating the emotional [intrinsic] brain by creating an environment in which people feel a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Take 10:48 min to be reminded of the “the surprising truth about what motivates us” by watching the following YouTube:
FYI – this YouTube has been viewed more than 16 million times!
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Herb Mast is a Leadership Coach and Business Consultant. He would love to assist you in implementing the principles and concepts presented above. He is confident that in the process you will enjoy a 10X ROI.